If you ever dreamed of a magical red toolbox that turned into a pretty decent portable grill then this portable gas grill by Cuisinart will be right up your alley as long as you didn’t actually want to store tools inside. From a distance it may be had to discern exactly what this machine is, however upon further inspection we find a very affordable portable grill that will peak your curiosity.
While many grills on the portable market feign at portability while actually requiring two hands and some upper body strength to lug around this grill is made to function from a very petit base. You can carry it with one hand and while red is the color of this model you can also find it in black or silver if you prefer more classic coloring for your grill.
The cooking surface is pretty small as you might expect though you can probably manage around eight burgers without too much hassle. With a price sitting right around $100 dollars this is on the budget side for portable grills while still packing enough of the basics to get the job done. You can find portable grills with more power or utility, though not many will provide you with just the standard needs at a price as affordable as this one before you start running into major issues.
Upon close inspection it is easy to see that this is not a grill made by a grill company so do not expect anything crazy when it comes to special features. All in all it is a nice succinct model that should fit well for small families or people who like to head to the beach or the woods and camp just do not expect anything amazing and you should be quite pleased for the price.
Main Characteristics
This is not the type of model that will evoke affirmative grunts from all of your friends at a cookout, instead we have a grill built for the simple times without the worry about astounding the user and that becomes a bit of a gift and a curse depending on the angle that you are looking from. Starting with the cooking surface we have 145 square inches which allows enough space to fit a decent meal for two to three people.
Though you will really need that raised surface to place the grill on as well as the completed food because storage is not even part of the discussion here. As we will touch on ahead this is about making the smallest, lowest cost grill that can get the job done without the expertise of a mainstream grill designer. Like most portable gas grill we only have a single burner here and that usually is not much of a problem.
However this one puts out 5,500 BTU’s of heating power which is on the low end even for portable grills and demands that you bring some patience with you. If you don’t mind grilling with the lid closed it is not too much of an issue as all portable grills require a longer heat up time than their larger compadres, though if you are trying to cook on a windy beach this might not cut it for you. It should be fine for camping in the woods though. The porcelain enameled cast iron grate is a tremendous boon for a grill that is more focused on portability than quality materials. This all combines for a grill that is pretty solid for the price range however a value chart would probably point you towards spending a bit more.
- The true definition of portability, light, small, and you can carry it with one hand
- Very easy to store and keep out of the way when not in use
- Briefcase style design makes it standout for security and convenience
- The cooking surface is on the smaller end even for portable grills
- Takes a bit of time to get up to cooking heat in comparison to a large grill and either other portable competition
- You will probably have to find another option when it comes to the grease tray because it is so small

Whe you get into that sub hundred dollar price range after functionality portability is the most important part of the design. Cusinart took that to heart with a model that is really light and easy to carry even with only one hand. You can find this model in red, silver, or block and it resembles a small toolbox or briefcase complete with multiple sections that collapse for a smaller profile.
The issue with collapsible piece however is long term stability and depending on how lucky you get with your particular purchase this might be an issue. The legs are nice for giving you some extra clearance especially when you need to slip something under to handle the grease when you fill up this models grease tray which will happen early and often. There is also too much plastic built into the grill which can be an issue with heavy use. While it is great for cooking a few hot dogs or burgers you probably want to stay away from complex dishes if you want to maximize the life of this grill.
Not much here unless you count the legs and the transformer-esque design of this grill. It is cool to have a grill that can look like a briefcase, however this does not bring anything to the table when it comes to functionality.
Image Credit: Amazon.com
Cuisinart CGG-180T
A very niche grill that will work great for some users while not matching up to expectations for others. Anyone who is used to Cuisinart products will notice a bit of a step down when stood up next to their food processors or other appliances. That being said it gets the job done when it comes to cooking small meals and being portable. It just does not have the heavy duty quality that you probably want in your grill. If you camp or travel every once in a while it will be pretty good while if you want to use it everyday you might want to go in another direction.