Aside from Weber, there is another name that is popular for their gas grills. That name is Napoleon. This company has been manufacturing cooking devices for more than 30 years. They have lasted this long because they design and implement features that are sought after by selective consumers. They have lasted this long because they listen to their customer’s needs, thereby resulting in grills or cooking devices that are very useful for consumers. One such grill that exemplifies customer experience is the Napoleon LEX 485 Liquid Propane Gas Grill. If you are looking for a liquid propane gas grill that can handle anything you put in it, then the LEX 485 is an excellent choice. You want to know why? Keep reading.
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Main Characteristics
The Napoleon LEX 485 Liquid Propane Gas Grill will give you the performance and convenience of a traditional gas grill. But(yes there is a but), it can also be fitted with a charcoal tray to give your food that smoky flavor that you’ve been looking for. We have never heard of a gas grill that has that kind of feature. So from the get go, you already have one thing going for you. This gas grill boasts of four burners spread out over 675 inches of cooking space. That’s a lot of real estate for grilling. You can grill any cut of brisket or pork leg with that kind of space. To top it off, this liquid propane gas grill has a special ignition system that will ensure that the grill will start every time. The Napoleon LEX 485 Liquid Propane Gas Grill also has a backlight technology that allows the user to easily adjust the controls even at night. The backlight will illuminate the controls section of the grill, making it easier for you to dial up to a specific setting.
- Very easy to assemble
- Very easy to use
- Uses an ergonomic design where each part is where they are supposed to be in order to make the grilling experience great
- Very stylish looking
- Affordable
- Most parts of the grill are made of low grade stainless steel (although the important parts are made of high grade stainless steel)
At first glance, the Napoleon LEX 485 Liquid Propane Gas Grill looks like a grill from the future. It’s like something out of a Star Trek movie. The backlight adds flavor to the look since everything is covered with stainless steel. As mentioned above, the four burners are ideally placed to provide even temperature to the 675 square inches of cooking space. The good thing about the design of the Napoleon LEX 485 Liquid Propane Gas Grill is that you can place add-ons without any problems. For example, you can add a smoker tube to transform your gas grill into a smoker. Aside from that, you can also add a charcoal tray where you can place charcoal so you can achieve that smoky flavor you’ve been missing.
Special Features
Aside from it being very flexible (add-on friendly), the Napoleon LEX 485 Liquid Propane Gas Grill becomes unique because of some features, notably the Jetfire Ignition System. This type of ignition system can only be found on Napoleon grills. What this does is it makes it easier for the user to start the grill. With just one click of the knob, the blue flame of the grill will spark. This will happen without fail (unless of course you don’t have fuel left). Best of all, you can select which burner will light up with this Jetfire Ignition System.
The other notable feature of the grill is the i-GLOW Backlit Technology. This is the backlight technology that we mentioned above. The backlight will illuminate the control knobs, making it easier for you to set the controls at night. With this technology, the Napoleon LEX 485 truly becomes the perfect partner for your late night BBQ parties.
This grill has a President’s Limited Lifetime Warranty. Here’s the info about the warranty:
- Aluminum castings / stainless steel base Lifetime
- Stainless steel lid Lifetime
- Porcelain enamel lid Lifetime
- Stainless steel cooking grids Lifetime
- Stainless steel tube burners 10 years plus5
- Stainless steel sear plates 5 years plus5
- Porcelain-enameled cast iron cooking grids 5 years plus5
- Stainless steel infrared rotisserie burner 5 years
- Ceramic infrared rotisserie burner 3 years(excludes screen)
- Ceramic infrared bottom or side burners 2 years(excludes screen)
- All other parts 2 years
Frequently Bought Together
Napoleon LEX 485 Liquid Propane Gas Grill
In terms of performance and style, it is hard to beat the Napoleon LEX 485. This liquid propane gas grill has several features that make it easier for the user to cook. It is very easy to assemble and cleanup, which is what you really want from a grill. It has an ergonomic design that is geared for total comfort for the user. Plus, it is set at an affordable price range. Of course you do have to expect that at that specific price range, there will be some things that will be lower in quality to justify the lower price of the grill. But the important thing is the most crucial parts of the grill are all made of high grade materials. So if you are in the market for a liquid propane gas grill, the Napoleon LEX 485 is an excellent choice.