(4.7 / 5)
Present for Daddy is a great name for an indie rock band but it’s also a great idea for this propane gas grill by Napoleon Grills. This gas grill features a total of six burners working on speedy gas ignition to create meals of any size with 900 square inches of cooking space. High quality stainless steel ensures you a long lasting grill along with the all important cleaning ability that only a steel entitled stainless can provide.
The grilling extends beyond your basic setup with a heavy duty rear infrared rotisserie burner and a side infrared burner for searing purposes so whether you want a succulent roast of a hibachi style feast, burgers and hot dogs are just the beginning.
A great backyard grill is nothing without maneuverability so this model has six caster locking wheels for getting to the spot you need and staying there. With a price around $1999 this is definitely a premium grill but it packs enough features and power to make Present for Daddy a global franchise.
Main Characteristics
This propane gas grill has a total of six burners pumping out up to 80,000 BTU’s of cooking power though they are spread around the different surfaces. We have a infrared rotisserie style rear burner along with a infrared side burner for searing.
This comes with attachable stainless steel plates so you can use it to cook hibachi style. As far as the breakdown goes the main four burners provide 48,000 BTU’s while the rotisserie kit with smoking channel has 18,000 and the side burner has 14,000 so the power is premium quality.
The main area is 500 square inches while there is also a 260 square inch warming area for a total of 760 square inches of cooking space before you count the rotisserie or the side, so cooking humongous meals will not be an issue. Under the main setup we have two swinging doors for storing condiments that also includes a bottle opener and built in ice bucket for those very important rally beers.
Napoleon aimed to create a grill with a bit for everyone and they did a pretty good job. You don’t get next level innovation in this premium stainless steel grill, instead you get all the tools you’ll need to cook any type of food that other high end grills might curiously leave out.
- A good variety of burners along with a large cooking area make for an excellent combination if you are looking for utility
- Stainless steel design creates a sleek look that is also very durable and easy to clean
- Great for cooking any type of food in the daylight or at night with built in illumination.
- Price is definitely in the premium range around $1999 dollars though it is pretty reasonable
- Multiple heating surfaces don’t always have a use

The look is your standard stainless steel design with a rounded metal hood over two cabinet doors with metal wings on the side for the extra side burner and some free space. Stainless steel right down to the wave rod cooking grills gives your that extra long life time along with easy cleaning when compared to cheaper materials.
The grill sits on four easy rolling caster wheels with locking mechanisms to prevent sliding when in position. The interior storage space is nice with integrated shelving that includes interior lighting for night chefs. On the side shelf opposite the sizzle zone infrared burner we have a integrated cutting board along with spots for holding condiments as well as towels.
Finally we have a six knob control system that illuminates in the dark. Nothing too fancy here but still everything you need along with a few things you did not know you needed.
Special Features
Illumination is a key factor in the design of this grill so they included interior lights to keep your grilling surface well lit at night to match the knobs and the cabinet.
Napoleon included a Accu Probe temperature gauge in on the hood to help you monitor the temperature close to how you would with an oven.
Cooking can be extremely messy so they thought ahead and included a built in drip zone for all the extra oil and juices to run into for simple clean up. Propane gas grills are known for their quick lighting, so they installed a Jetfire ignition system. This system uses crossover lighting to start each burner individually allowing for a reliable start that can simultaneously ignite.
The last special features are the included stainless steel grilling plates for searing your food. These plates heat up quickly, give you a flat surface, and also self clean by vaporizing and excess liquid. Once again everything you would expect to find in a premium grill at a decent price.
This model sports a pretty nice warranty with a lifetime warranty on the lid, lid insert, stainless steel base, aluminum castings and the stainless steel cooking grids. A ten year warranty extends to the stainless steel tube burners, while the stainless steel sear plates are warrantied for five years.
Napoleon offers fifty percent off on the burners for an additional five years. The Rotisserie burner has a three year warranty while all the other parts of this model are warrantied for five years.
Image Credit: Amazon.com
Napoleon Prestige Pro 500
In a quest for the meaning of life or the meaning of grills would you be happy with a good answer? Depending on how much money you have to spend this grill is at the very least a good answer.
With six burners ranging from standard stainless steel, to infrared, and also rotisserie this grill is a swiss army knife when it comes to uses especially with the stainless steel searing plates. It is nice to see you can get that gorgeous stainless steel look along with all that utility for right around $1999.
On top of that this grill lights up in the dark like any heroes equipment should. You can spend more for better flame control but as far as low end premium grills go this is a pretty nice base line. By the way, here are few more excellent representatives from premium segment - expensive Lynx L30PSFR-2-LP and my favorite Broil King Imperial XLS.